Itching from mosquito bites, a recurring problem every summer

We all know that very unpleasant noise heralding a bad moment. Enemies of summer evenings and outdoor excursions, mosquitoes attack every visible area of the skin, sometimes even through clothing.

A feeling of pain, followed by the inflammation of the bitten area, an itch and then a pimple…that’s what happens right after a bite! Then, there is a furious urge to scratch. But it’s a vicious circle: the more we scratch, the more we have the urge to scratch. Therefore, we avoid scratching and quickly soothe the itch at all costs.

Who is the culprit?

Only female mosquitoes can bite. At the time of the bite, they fill up with the proteins necessary for the proper development of eggs. This bite is manifested by the appearance of a pimple, causing itching and burning sensations followed by swelling of the area that was stung.

Rather unpleasant but protective swelling

The outpost of our immune defences, the skin is home to sentinel cells that protect it from external attacks, whether bacterial, fungal, or viral. In case of an “attack”, the latter triggers its defence mechanism. When a mosquito bites you, your skin heats up and swells in response, not to the bite, but to the mosquito’s saliva. The body immediately identifies this foreign body and activates its immune defences by releasing histamine. It is, therefore, this reaction that creates the inflammation and swelling that follows. Histamine stimulates the nerve fibres responsible for this itching sensation.

Unlike allergies, which have more severe manifestations, this swelling occurs in everyone.

Here is some information to know about mosquitoes to help to avoid bites:

  • Mosquitoes prefer dark clothes.
  • They are attracted to smells and sweat.
  • There are about ten families of mosquitoes in France, and only a few of them bite humans.
  • Avoid stagnant water; mosquitoes love to live there.

Naturally soothing solutions?

Fortunately, there are natural solutions to soothe the epidermis. They help soothe the itching sensation and heal so that the bite quickly becomes a distant memory.

In the event of a bite, essential oils can be beneficial to soothe the itching sensation and avoid a new bite by repelling the mosquito.

  • Lemon eucalyptus : An essential oil with anti-inflammatory properties, it is also very popular as a repellent. It is one of the oils known to be the most popular “mosquito repellent”.
  • Tea tree: An essential in aromatherapy, it is often used as a skin antibacterial. It prevents any skin infections following the bite.
  • Peppermint: Refreshing peppermint is ideal for calming the itching sensation thanks to its immediate cold effect.
  • Spike lavender: The most commonly used essential oil in the event of a bite, spike lavender owes its name to the fact that vipers often hide underneath it. Greatly appreciated for its healing properties, it is recommended in case of mosquito bites.
  • Java lemongrass: Often used as a mosquito repellent, this essential oil with soothing properties is also an anti-inflammatory. Its smell keeps mosquitoes away.
  • Lemongrass: Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, it is also an excellent mosquito repellent!

The turnkey solution from INELDEA Laboratories

New summer essential, Olioseptil Roll-on After Bites, will be your greatest summer ally. With a combination of six essential oils, 100% pure and natural, combined in a roll-on fitted with a metal ball for a fresh sensation and immediate itch relief, it can be taken anywhere and used at any time of day!