We have all been thirsty, the first sign of dehydration. Although this feeling tends to be stronger in the summer, dehydration can occur throughout the year and can be linked to the heat but also to the doing sport, consuming alcohol, or insufficient fluid intake.

The first sign of dehydration is thirst. This is true for everyone and even more so for the elderly. Therefore, it is recommended that you drink water regularly throughout the day. However, in France, 69% of the population knows they do not drink enough water during the day.

And yet, the consequences of poor hydration over the long term or when repeated regularly can harm the body.

Here are the keys to a hydrated summer.

The body is mainly composed of water

Did you know the body is made up of 60% water? Water is our body’s greatest need, even before food.

The role of water in the body is essential: it transports nutrients and waste products, regulates body temperature, and helps maintain the balance between water and electrolytes. Thus, when the body has a water deficit, this directly affects many mechanisms for proper functioning.

Dehydration, a problem that affects many French people

It is recommended that adults drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily. This does not consider physical activity, sun exposure, or alcohol consumption, which requires more water to maintain the same hydration level. While everyone agrees on the importance of daily hydration, few French respect this rule.

One in four people is not hydrated enough for various reasons: difficulty hydrating, intense physical exercise, a hot and dry climate, travel, alcohol consumption, fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, old age, kidney problems, poor digestion, etc.

On a daily basis, we also tend to forget to drink. However, you should not wait to feel thirsty to hydrate. It is more effective to make this habit part of your everyday lifestyle.

The consequences of dehydration

As mentioned above, dehydration can have several consequences for the body.

2% dehydration leads to:

  • Decreased athletic performance

4% dehydration leads to:

  • More fatigue than usual and difficulty concentrating
  • A decline in intellectual abilities
  • Headaches
  • Muscle weakness, cramps, body aches, inflammation
  • Chronic constipation

6-8% dehydration leads to:

  • Dry skin, dull complexion
  • Intense exhaustion
  • Syncope due to heat, which can lead to loss of consciousness

Source : Dehydration. (4 January 2002). Ameli, the online health insurance site. https://www.ameli.fr/assure/sante/urgence/pathologies/deshydration (accessed 15 March 2023).

How to stay hydrated daily and even more so during the summer?

Drinking is good, but staying hydrated is better. Minerals are essential in the hydration process, and when they are not provided in sufficient quantity, water is not absorbed optimally by the body (organs, blood, muscles, etc.). This effect occurs in slow motion.

The solution? The body uses electrolytes and minerals in large quantities to regulate internal fluids and pH to allow muscle (de)contraction, nerve signal transmission, etc.

Since the body does not manufacture them, they must be provided via food. This is why it is important to promote the consumption of vegetables rich in minerals, seeds, and oilseeds.

Some micronutrition products are specially designed to optimise hydration.

Here is the right combination of electrolytes and minerals to stay hydrated and in great shape all day, even in the middle of summer, whatever your physical activity or location.

  • Magnesium, calcium, and vitamins C and B6 contribute to energy metabolism.
  • Magnesium and vitamins C and B6 help reduce fatigue.
  • Potassium, magnesium, and calcium contribute to proper muscle function.
  • Vitamin C and zinc preserve cells from oxidative stress.

Used in synergy, these nutrients increase water absorption during physical activity, contributing, in particular, to maintaining performance levels during endurance exercise. They even work in cases of intense heat, fatigue, after an evening of a bit too much drinking, or even during an extended trip.

Solutions are available in effervescent tablets, rich in electrolytes, minerals, and carbohydrates dissolved in a glass of water and perfect for promoting hydration. They are portable, suitable for most people, and different flavours appeal to all consumers.

The effervescent tablets rich in electrolytes encourage you to drink more because of their nice flavour, and they also allow you to optimise hydration. Ultimately, it is important to drink more and better.