By 2050, WHO estimates that one in two people will have allergies. This prediction may seem alarming, but it is not so unrealistic since today, already one in three people has allergies.

But do we know what allergies really are?

Allergies or hypersensitivity is an abnormal reaction by the immune system. Allergies can manifest themselves in various ways: a stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, hives, etc. All these symptoms can be particularly painful to live with on a daily basis. Let’s take a close look at what allergies are, their symptoms, and whether it is possible to overcome them to manage spring and summer better.

What are allergies?

Allergies are a disorder that disrupts the body’s overall balance. They occur when the immune system overreacts abnormally to a foreign body. The body then releases histamine and other substances responsible for the well-known symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, eye irritation, sore throat, allergic rhinitis, etc.

You can be allergic to a variety of foreign bodies: food, pollen, mites, hair, dust, etc. Some allergies are then easier to control than others. Indeed, while it may be obvious to avoid contact with food, animals, or dust mites, it is much more complicated than avoiding going outside in the spring when pollen is everywhere.

Perennial allergies, as their name suggests, occur all year round. On the other hand, seasonal allergies are especially intense at a particular time of year: in the spring, when trees and flowers bloom. Every outdoor outing becomes a test for those suffering from this immune disorder that can cause a tingling throat, itchy eyes, a runny nose, or an asthma attack.

What are the symptoms of seasonal allergy?

  • Itchy nose
  • Abnormal nasal discharge
  • Itchy eyes
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Change in taste and smell
  • Irritability and insomnia for people whose symptoms last several months or even the entire spring

Seasonal allergies can cause many bothersome symptoms, some more so than others. This can be particularly trying when they are long-term, lasting several months. The initial impulse is to turn to chemical molecules to reduce allergy symptoms and everyday discomfort.

What treatments are available for allergies?

Certain medications prescribed by doctors make it possible to reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies and provide relief to those exposed to allergens in their daily lives:

  • Antihistamines: as the name suggests, these molecules block the production of histamine by the body to limit the associated symptoms.

  • Decongestants: often in the form of nasal suspensions, their goal is to decongest the nasal passage, but their effectiveness is temporary, and they should not be used beyond several days in a row; otherwise, nasal congestion will worsen.

  • Eye drops: used for eye irritation; eye drops help soothe itchy eyes.

While there are medicines on the market to soothe allergy symptoms, these only treat the symptoms and do not treat the underlying cause. These drugs can also have side effects (dry mouth, nausea, drowsiness, etc.). Consequently, it may be helpful to turn to solutions with natural active ingredients that target the cause of the allergy.

Rebalancing the body: the key to reducing the symptoms of seasonal allergies

The key to reducing or ending allergies is remedying the internal imbalance responsible for allergies. If the allergy is linked to a genetic predisposition, there are ways to minimise the onset of symptoms by adopting a simple lifestyle and dietary choices to boost your immune system and moderate your body’s response to foreign bodies.

Here are some nutrition tips to boost your immune system

  • Apples: rich in quercetin, they strengthen the immune system and help minimise the allergic response;

  • Garlic: eaten raw, garlic is known for its immunostimulant properties that target the body’s inflammatory response;

  • Turmeric: turmeric is a known antioxidant that strengthens the immune system;

  • Fermented foods: all fermented foods (sauerkraut, pickles, dairy products, kombucha, etc.) nourish the intestinal microbiota, the body’s “second brain”, which houses 70% of our immune cells. If the microbiota is balanced or rebalanced, the immune response will be moderate, without excess or hypersensitivity causing unpleasant allergy symptoms.

Here are some simple everyday tips to avoid aggravating daily exposure to pollen:

  • Take a shower and rinse your hair daily to remove all traces of pollen.

  • Do not dry clothes outside to prevent pollen from collecting on clothes.

  • Wear sunglasses to limit eye exposure to pollen.

If the leading cause of your allergies is an internal imbalance, natural health should provide significant relief in rebalancing the body and limiting this disturbance.

Before opting for natural health products, review this list of key active ingredients that should ideally be present in the formula of the chosen product. This will ensure complete action and symptomatic relief for short- and long-term effectiveness.

  • Vegetable Quercetin, a polyphenol in the flavonoid family, and quail eggs are active ingredients known to help with respiratory comfort caused by seasonal allergies;

  • The combination of Vitamin C and Nettle boosts immune defences and supports the body’s vitality;

  • Manganese strengthens the body;

  • Probiotics contribute to the right balance of the intestinal microbiota to strengthen the body’s immune response to external agents;

  • Plantain helps calm the respiratory tract.

Select formulas with natural active ingredients and synergistic effects taken as a long-term treatment, ranging from one to six months. This makes it possible to optimise the improvement of seasonal or perennial discomforts and, most importantly, to ensure long-term effectiveness in gradually reducing the onset of symptoms.